Conversation between Joe and the neighbour's white dog. We'll call her Whitey.
Whitey: Arf! Arf! Hi, Joe...
Joe: Yo, Whitey. How's it going, mah frend?
Whitey: Not bad. Can you come down and play?
Joe: Wait. I'll ask mum.... Muuuuummm, can I go down and play?
Mum: I'm sorry, honey. Too hot. And it's siesta-time.
Joe: But muuuuummmm... Whitey's mum lets her play at this time...
Mum: Hush, now. You must take a nap. You're a growing dog... See Whitey? She will never grow bigger than she is now. That's because she doesn't take naps...
Joe: Errrmmmm, okay. (turning to Whitey). Sorry, Whitey. Mum says I gotta take a nap...
Whitey: Ngarf!
Mum: (to herself) Good boy! hehehehe.