Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Medical test

Because I want you to get checked out to make sure you're healthy and will be around longer...

Stare into the cat's eye's for ten seconds...


scroll down...


Now... stare into the puppy's eyes for ten seconds...

and now...

... scroll down...

Your CAT SCAN and

LAB TESTS are now complete!

Sorry I couldn't resist!

*from an email sent by a friend :)


Adi said...

That is sooooooo cute! Of course I passed, I am in very good health for my age (12 dog years X 7 = 84)!

Mommy Jes said...

you got me!!!! heheheh this is very cool site! =) let me add you to my favorite sites hehehhe =)

Four-eyed-missy said...

Hi Adi... wow, you are one healthy mutt!

Kumusta, Jes? Sure, link away. I'll do the same, too. :)