Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pet Pride 023: Joe and his bed, part 2





Yo, yo, yo! We missed last week’s meme fun, sorry folks. I had issues with my digi-cam, apparently the memory card was infected by a virus and refused to download the photos to my lappie. Glad it was already fixed and we are back!!

Here is what Joe’s been doing:

I gave him this yellow plastic bottle to get busy with while I was in the kitchen preparing our lunch. He was playing with it enthusiastically, chewing and play-pushing dragging that thing with his mouth from the living room where his bed was up to the kitchen where I was.

I turned my back to continue with the food preparation and he ran away with the bottle back to the living room. A few minutes later, I suddenly realised that it was quiet. I left the kitchen to investigate, and there he was… I caught this little bugger almost snoozing with his toy just within his grasp!


magiceye said...

heya joe good to cya!!

Woof woof
from Bozo
Pets forever

Dianne said...

Joe is one cool dog :)

Sylvia K said...

Oh, cool you are indeed, Joe! Great to have anew toy and a comfy place to nap!!

Sam Schnauzer

Gattina said...

How cute ! when a puppy is silent there has always something happened, lol!

Tatjana Parkacheva said...

Joe is very cute.
I like your photo.


Karen and Gerard said...

Our dog supervises my husband's activities and the cats supervise mine!

Stopping by from Pet Pride.