Sunday, December 16, 2012

Pet Pride 052: Mohawk Max



It's Max's turn on the limelight this week. Joe was having a stomach problem and would not come out of his "dog cave" (under the stairs). Fortunately, Max is in a good mood.

Love Max's mohawk-hairstyle. She's totally loving it, too!
I was surprised that she didn't go away when I pointed the camera at her. She's now more than six years old. Isn't she pretty?

I'm very worried about Joe. He hasn't eaten well for days and he refuses to eat without being prodded. It must have been the dog food that we bought last week. It wasn't expired when I checked the cans again. If he doesn't eat more tomorrow, we'll have to take him to the vet's.


eileeninmd said...

Max is a handsome dog!

Four-eyed-missy said...

Thank you, Eileen. Our Max is a she :D

magiceye said...

Love your smile Max!!

Woof woof
from Bozo
Pets forever