Sunday, October 14, 2012

Pet Pride 049: Max and Joe cosy together



This is Max and Joe's mum again.
We are on holiday beginning tomorrow till Wednesday. It's the Pchum Ben festival in Cambodia. This is one of the important Buddhist holidays for it commemorates the spirits of the dead and it lasts for 15 days. Buddhists believe that during the Pchum Ben, the gates of hell are opened so the souls who "reside" there go out and walk on earth. They roam and search for food. So the living relatives go to the wats (temples) to offer food and prayers for them. In return for these offerings, the devout Buddhists earn merits for their next life. On the other hand, if the spirits weren't satisfied with the offerings, bad luck will befall on them.

So anyway, this is a big excuse for most Phnom Penh residents to go back to their hometowns for several days and be reunited with their families and relatives as they bring their offerings to their ancestors.

As for us, expats, it is also an excuse to go out of the city or the country for a holiday. But since we have two dogs, we could not just leave them behind without someone to look after them. So we stayed. I was organising my computer files and pictures when I got hold of this photo - of Max and Joe in 2009. I think this was the time when Max finally warmed up to Joe whom she was jealous of when Joe came to live with us.

I like the way Max's paw rests lovingly and gently on Joe's side and how Joe is seemingly enjoying the warmth and tenderness of Max.


Jaime Clark said...

Just adorable!

Sylvia K said...

Sweet doggies!!

Karen and Gerard said...

That is so cute how they lay together. My cat actually pet my dog one day as she walked past him!

magiceye said...

Hey you guys look so cute together!

Woof woof
from Bozo
Pets forever